
Meet Nicole

A Journey into the Field of Holistic Healing

Nicole Dunn is passionate in assisting people on their journey to wellness through implementing a variety of holistic modalities.

She is a registered Acupuncturist through the College of International Holistic Studies and a member of the Canadian Examining Board of Health Care Practitioners.

She is a Certified Bowen Therapist through Bowtech, as well as a Reiki Master and Iridologist.

Her experience has led her to host seminars, workshops and retreats. Nicole’s clientele continues to grow based on MD, ND, Chiropractic and personal referrals.


As I sit at my desk to deliver you “My Story” – I am reminded of a quote by Rachel Naomi Remen:

“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you
– all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.”

If you are reading this and are in physical pain, emotional distress or energetic imbalance, there is hope. I know this because I was you.

I was at the height of stress, anxiety, physical pain and emotional turmoil when I turned to alternative, or rather, complimentary healing therapies as a last resort.

Although I had been incorporating a healthy lifestyle for over a decade, I was at a personal “bottom” in all areas of my life. At the time, I worked as a manual labourer on an assembly line of an automotive company. The difficult environment isolated me from my hopes, dreams, talents and passions. I was working 8-10 hour shifts opposite to my husband and raising 3 children when I had suddenly sustained a serious back injury. It didn’t take me long to realize that working for a “results oriented” company I was a hindrance in their eyes and this attitude quickly permeated to the shop floor where I was belittled by many of my co-workers.

In extreme pain, I followed the advice of my doctors, physiotherapists and adjudicator. But neither the cocktail of prescription medications nor the treatments seemed to give me any relief.

As I am sure you can imagine at this point I was on an emotional, mental and energetic rollercoaster and there seemed to be no physical relief to my pain. I knew there had to be something that would help.

Besides – It was me, one who has always been a highly driven, physically active and self motivated individual. I knew I couldn’t live like this, so I started researching. A logical place to start was in Holistic therapies since there has always been something that intrigued me about Holistic approaches to health and wellness, so I went off to see an Iridologist.

During my first visit, the Iridologist put me on some herbs to help with my nerves and to reduce acidity and inflammation in my body. This fascinated me and to my amazement, I started to feel better. I soon brought my family in and saw their health improve as well.

And there began my journey in the field of Holistic healing. I knew if nothing else worked for me and this did, that I must be onto something. A fire burned within me and I had to learn more, learn this for myself and to help others; others like me.
My new career path in Iridology opened my mind to how interconnected the body, mind and soul are. It also made me realize that when symptoms arise we need to treat the underlying cause and bring the body back into balance. A symptom is the body’s way of screaming out for help.

I also realized there is an emotional side of illness… the body reacts to emotions, or the holding back of emotions which can physically manifest into symptoms.

This insight led me into the healing energy of Reiki as well as Bowen Therapy, Meditation and Yoga. Since that first step on my journey to healing, I have been certified in all of these therapies as well as becoming an Acupuncturist, another modality that I am so grateful for.

In addition, I also teach meditation and am a Certified Facilitator of the 5 Tibetans Yogas. This amazing journey has led me to facilitating corporate workshops, speaking at Wellness events, holistic retreats and running my own practice. Over the years, many of my clients have sent me heartfelt cards and letters stating that I have given them their life back – new hope. I am grateful for this and it is why I do what I do.

I look back and think of where this all started.

On a deeper level I think my injury was my Gift and for where I am now, I am grateful.
Each and every one of these wonderful stepping stones to my healing have been succinctly laid out on my own personal journey to ‘wellness’. I am honoured and excited to assist you on your journey to being the best you can be physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.

Feel free to browse the site and to contact me to discuss how I may assist you on your personal journey.

Contact Me

Filled with Gratitude!

“My heart is filled with nothing but gratitude for the life-changing journey that Nicole has lead me through during my Life by Design coaching sessions with her and beyond.

Nicole is one of the kindest, most intuitive, and genuine people I have had the privilege of getting to know. She offers fresh perspectives and gently guides you to delve deeper to reacquaint yourself with the highest, fullest, best version of yourself.


Anyone who is struggling to make sense of their lives or simply seeking for greater fulfillment, I would whole-heartedly encourage you to invite Nicole in. She is a true believer in the mind, body, spirit connection and so am I. She encourages and believes in each and ever person … and yet won’t let you get stuck in your circumstance while gently nudging you to newer and higher perspective. One that I will take with me for the rest of my life. I never would have thought year or two ago that I would embark on a ‘coaching journey’. I will carry with me the tools, new perspectives and positive belief mind shifts that Nicole brings to her content rich program that enriched my life, my career and my relationship with my beautiful family. “

S. Gonsalvez, Teacher, Wife, Mom, Believer


Wholeheartedly Recommend!

Nicole Dunn was the ONLY person that was able to bring me pain relief in the form of Bowen Therapy after suffering for the better part of two years. I had seen my medical doctor, chiropractor, acupuncturist, osteopath, naturopathic doctor and none of these people were able to treat me successfully for any length of time. It was Nicole that was able to give me back the gift of good health – and after two visits yet!


So when I found out that she had put together and was offering her Life by Design Program – at a time where I felt that I needed some direction – I didn’t hesitate to approach her. We embarked on a 12 week introspective journey together. Nicole expertly facilitated this journey, by gently challenging some of my own limiting beliefs – that we all have to some extent.

Nicole encouraged me to imagine, articulate and create a future that was in total alignment to my own core beliefs, and one that was an exciting journey to embark on. When I started this 12 week program I did not have any vision of what my future would look like. I entered this program feeling content in life with a sense of gratitude; but still knowing that something was amiss. This process allowed me to see and plan my future with incredible clarity. I now have a concrete plan in place that excites both me and my family, and I have Nicole to thank for this. She was the one who was able to entice me to draw these blueprints for myself. I entered this program while on the treadmill of life, busy day to day, but not really going anywhere. I left this program with concrete steps in place to realize a dream that Nicole was able to open my eyes to. She helped me tap into an innate wisdom that we all have – we just need to take the time to really listen and act upon it, which is what Nicole will guide you to do. I wholeheartedly recommend Nicole Dunn. She has unique talents that are few and far between.

Carol S., Wife, Mom, HR Rep, Life Embracer

Burlington, ON


“A lot of people are skeptical about hiring a transformational life coach. I was one of those people; always telling myself that the money could be better spent somewhere else. But in 2011 I was at a point in my life that nothing was on solid ground. My health had deteriorated to the point where my career was in jeopardy. The choice of a less than ideal relationship became abusive and the life I had dreamed for myself was starting to feel so out of reach, it left me feeling very disconnected to the best parts of me and asking “who Am I?”


I started working with Nicole Dunn in June 2011 and within 3 short months my career was back on track, my health had improved greatly and that abusive relationship, well… I was introduced to a huge mind shift that allowed me the courage to walk forward- on my own.

These subtle shifts in perspective opened me up to receiving respect, love and acceptance in all my relationships.

Nicole was not only able to assist me with what I now look back on as a spiritual awakening; she was also instrumental in helping me draw out my life’s blueprint.

I went from not really knowing what I wanted, let alone how to get there …….. to having a clear vision of living my life with passion, fun and purpose. I even had some surprising success’s along the way.

Nicole helped me realize the author in me, and within a record 6 weeks- I wrote a book and published it in 2012 – it was awarded second place in the 2012 Global eBook Awards!!

I now have courage to create even loftier dreams. I also realise how crucial Nicole’s support, genuine caring and insights are to my continued success. She is a pillar of strength when fear doubt and worry come over for a visit. I happily choose to continue to work with her on a regular basis, as I upwardly spiral in materializing my dreams for each stage of my life.

I also know that this was an investment -not in Nicole; but an investment in ME!

You may be telling yourself you can do this alone, but if there is one thing I have learned, having a coach is a choice. We don’t need one, but when you partner with Nicole, doors open up, it’s as if you realize with more clarity what it is you truly want and the results materialize much faster.

I like to compare it to having a personal trainer. You can go to the gym regularly and dream of that perfectly sculpted body and yet, year after year nothing has changed- maybe, even gotten worse.

But introduce a personal trainer into the mix and now you are accountable, there is someone who believes in “your best” and helps you achieve results better than you could have possibly done on your own – and in less time. That’s what I’m talking about when working with Nicole!

Having Nicole as my coach and a true partner in Believing has been priceless and I am forever grateful for her. I challenge you, just for a moment – consider what you really want in life..

then, consider what it’s Costing you to not live into that….?

Then, work with Nicole to create it!

You owe it to yourself.

I ask you…. As she will ask you….

If not in This Lifetime…. then when?”

Brenda J.,  Internal Auditor, Author (living bigger than I have ever imagined)

Burlington, ON